If one didn’t love Audiotree as it is, the platform that is dedicated in showcasing artists with their natural sound takes an elevated step in their Far Out series – an extension of the beloved platform where they extract artists from the studio allowing the scenery to grow alongside the music. In their latest addition, Los Angeles’s Emma Ruth Rundle blesses the Chicago Athletic Association in the White City Ballroom with only the warmth of the fire countering the city’s first layer of snow.

The direction and prolonged opening captures what Far Out set out to present, simultaneously setting the mood for ERR. The heaviness echoed from the initial start bleeds towards a post-rock transmission and the dramatic lull has a viewer hanging on to every last note. ERR’s heaviness is other worldly, and fittingly cleanses all who comes across the performance. The uncontrolled movement absorbs ERR to its fullest extent, tracing the rise and fall of each performer. Coming to terms and almost to a higher being, Emma Ruth Rundle’s “Heaven” is a flawless execution that was beautifully captured through Auditotree’s direction.


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